I'm 8 months post takedown and been have rectal shooting stabbing pain only on left buttock side of j pouch. I'm getting this pain about 5-10 times a day, every time there is any stool or gas in my pouch it starts, when it hits I can't breathe, talk or move until it passes. Ive been on Cipro on/off since takedown cause its the only thing hat helps pain. Never had pouchitis been scoped 6 times since takedown. The pain comes in waves, and it doesn't stop until I go to the bathroom. It's beginning to feel like colitis again, pain-poop-relief, pain-poop-relief. This cycle is defeating me.
It seems to come whether my pouch is full or just a bit is in there, gas makes it much worse as the pressure is more intense. Relief on comes after bowel movement. Only feel the pain on left side of j pouch (left buttock ) never on the right side.
It seems to come whether my pouch is full or just a bit is in there, gas makes it much worse as the pressure is more intense. Relief on comes after bowel movement. Only feel the pain on left side of j pouch (left buttock ) never on the right side.