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I'm having problems cath my pouch.
I'm 5 weeks post op and it went in very naturally on its own but this this last week its becoming more difficult.
I'm really worried that if I force it I will damage the pouch. On the other hand am I being too gentle and where I'm patiently waiting for the pouch to accept the cath should I be in fect pushing and it in moreso, even if it's against the pouches wishes(if you know what I mean!)
Hope someone can help me please?
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I had a lot of issues in the beginning and now I just bend it in there in different ways and it "pops" in. Mine moved a lot, most likely due to scar tissue then it settled into place. Try to use a different catheter. I for instance, can not use a straight cath, I have to boil mine to be very curved or use the bendy kind with the bullet.

If you want the best answer your GI/Colorectal surgeon can scope you while awake and then let you do it so you can learn the way the anatomy works.
It all depends on why it is blocking and how it is blocking...does the tube bend at then end when you push? Does it feel like a gut-punch when you try to get it in or more like a pain in your stoma? How is the leakage? Air or Gas? If you lean forward or backwards or twist sideways does it help? You might try aiming your tube either upwards, downwards or to either side to see if your valve has changed angle or trajectory???? You might find a new direction that you need to aim for...Mine now needs to be directed upwards and towards my belly button when I am full and normally when not so I try to avoid allowing my pouch to overfill.
Hi Sharon,

Thanks for your reply.
It's definitely worse trying when you;ve got a full pouch!
I perch on the edge of the bath and it goes in a lot easier.
I also place a spigot in the end of the cath, as I'm paranoid over having an accident and making a mess before I get the cath end to the toilet, so that helps me chill out more during intubation.
Sometimes it will get a little stuck halfway and I get some more lube on and it slides in easier or I syringe some water upwards and the cath slides in very easy then.
It's going in blind when you're new to this that's scary and with the surgery being so new and everything needing to heal and being so delicate it pretty scary!
I feel I'm getting there now :-)

I've also joined a group on facebook and got a lot of good advice from there too.

Thanks again for your advice, much appreciated :-)


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