Hey guys
I agree that I was scared but only after numbness set in . Till then actually I thought pins n needles are ok and will go away when I stop the medication .
N actually I was feeling pretty good on cipro coz my diarrhea felt better with cipro immediately after first dose . So I was actully feeling very happy . So first symptoms shldnt be due to anxiety .
Right now ,I am dealing with lots of stuff at the same time

I thinks its like a perfect storm .
Firstly ,I stopped the cipro after numbness and still having numbness and muscle weakness. And cramping n pain now not only in left leg n hand but also right
It feels like my muscles are struggling to carry my weight while walking .
And I really didnt have any of these symptoms before taking antibiotics .
When I was taking cipro I also took tylenol once donno if tht interacted but I had asked pharmacist before n he said it was ok .so think that shouldnt not he the reason.
Secondly blood in urine . I had pain only once for an hour on the right side between waist and ribs . They were sharp pains and would come and go . After one hr they stopped .
So I dont know why they happend . I have a complex ovarian cyst on the same side (right) where I had pain which we are monitoring every cycle .also this pain occured during my second day of menstrual cycle . So it could be cyst Or I donno may be kidney issue like a stone or something else .
The problem is the numbness and weakness is still not going away . And also if I need to take antibiotics how will I take them if I am having such side effects .
I did blood work to check iron , b 12 and electrolytes and all the numbers are normal
Also I have a small abscess under armpit n when on cipro I had applied neosporin n tht gave me pins n needles as well for some time .
Its scaring me ofcourse n its difficult to think positive
But I will try my best to keep calm n relax n see if that helps my symptoms
I am seing a urologist on 20th And a neurologist tom
Lets c what they have to say .. Hoping for the best .
Thank you scottF and Jan for all the support .