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Another thread on painful BM's lead me to mention the damage hydrocortisone can do to mucous membranes in the rectal canal.

NEVER EVER USE HYDROCORTISONE IN YOUR RECTUM. My doctor said he might prescribe it temprorarily in a rare instance if itching was very severe and nothing else worked..... but he has never done so.

Hydrocortisone thins the mucous membranes and makes it brittle and more prone to sores and tearing, an also makes the nerve endings more exposed.

Talk to your doctor before you use it, and tell your doctor if you have been using it - it could contribute to painful BMs, fistulas, etc.
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Yeah I gotta say I found this post unnecessarily alarmist... it would be like making a big thread on an IBD forum that said "NEVER TAKE PREDNISONE." Side effects, sure, but it's sometimes medically warranted.

I would hazard a guess that the vast majority of the members here with IBD have had hydrocortisone or some kind of topical steroid prescribed for rectal use during the course of their treatment. I certainly did. There are side effects. Maybe the best warning is "Always use prescription drugs under the supervision of a doctor."
I was using cortifoam or entocort on and off pretty much the entire time I had my rectum. I was prescribed it because I needed it. In this case, I think the doctor was probably cautioning against using it when it wasn't absolutely warranted -- but the same would go for any drug. I mean, for a while post-op I was taking heparin. Nasty drug and caused me to bruise like you wouldn't believe, but at the time I was at risk for clots, so I had to deal with it. As usual, always follow your doctor's instructions. Anyway, I agree with Pluot that you'd be hard pressed to find any IBD patient here who wasn't on some form of corticosteriod at one point or another, whether pre or post op.

Doesn't mean we have to love them, but if they're necessary and there aren't any alternative treatments, there isn't much we can do.
They gave me that conversation about heparin and how i needed to take it while in the hospital etc...i said "lady...have you seen me walking? i past by said hello good job, keep it up..." i felt like the first time i got that heparin shot she basically attacked me...i was mid conversation with her about being gentle and she essentially stabbed me in the stomach with worked but after that NOPE

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