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Does it bulge when you bear down? If so, then yes, it is a hernia.

If not, it still could be a hernia, but more likely lumpy scar tissue. If it was trapped intestine, you'd be having pain. So that is my second question, is it painful? If it is painful, and increasingly so, then you probably ought to go to the ER or urgent care and have it looked at.

Jan Smiler
Adhesions are internal scar tissue that can bind your intestines, like rubber bands. If your pain is minimal and the obstructive symptoms mild, you can leave it alone and just monitor it. They wouldn't do surgery unless symptoms were severe. My concern was that here was redness NOT in your scar area. That could mean an abscess or seroma. So, keep an eye on it and watch for worsening symptoms, fever, that sort of thing.

An Smiler

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