It has been two weeks now after the 2nd surgery. How am i feeling miserable!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
this surgery included removing my rectum and to make the j-pouch( has not yet been connected).
My reason is first I have this leakage coming out of butt it not stool, its not blood, its kinda like mucus consistancy ( sorry to be so descriptive and graphic) but this discharge is really putting a # on my bottum. It comes out all of the time without any kind of notice it just comes out its also some what watery. WTF is this normal anyone remember haveing such a thing happen before the final surgery. I went to see my doctor about this and she said its perfectly normal. WHAT she also explained that this will occurr until the final surgery. I cant believe I have to live like this for 3 months are you kidding me, I am already about to lose my mind.She said this is good practice for when the connection happens. I was told to hold it as long as i could and the use the bathroom and push as hard as I can. Im sorry to me something does NOT sound right. This stuff, the output is so unpredictable,I am worried if I cant hold this how in the heck can I hold the real thing?????????????? I am alo having one heck of a time keeping this ostomy on since the surgery. It just wont stay since she used the original stoma i thought this was going to be a peice of cake, Boy was i wrong.
I need to know are these things normal the leakage, trying to keep on this ostomy, and also what in the heck is lomotal not sure if this is the correct spelling or not but what is it??????????? I though it was just regular immodium but please correct me if i am wrong. Any input would be great LJK
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