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Hi all,

I'm almost 5 weeks post take down and am struggling with many of the familiar issues, have lots of questions, but will focus on just this one for now:

Of the proliferation of "green" shakes on the market meant to deliver nutrients from fruits and vegetables, are there any that you j-pouchers have had good success with, maybe even brands recommended by GIs or nutritionists/dietitians familiar with j-pouches?

I went to my local health food store and was overwhelmed by 3 rows of competing products. I'm reluctant to just try stuff out, because they are expensive and may not be well-suited for j-pouchers, e.g., might cause gas, bloating, etc. I've heard of brand names like Greens First, Reliv, Rejoov, and so on, but can't differentiate between them all.

You'd probably guess that the reason I'm interested in finding something is that I'm not eating fruits or veggies except for bananas, apple sauce and very small amounts of soft carrots and green beans. I feel my nutritional status is not great and am hoping to find something that can replace the fresh produce I used to eat.

This is an amazing community, and I've learned so much already by reading through your discussions. Thank you.
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Hi Anushka,
I don't know anything about green supplements but I make smoothies with kale and/or spinach blended in. I have a Vitamix which is really expensive but I have used it pretty much everyday since I got it - it has been worth every penny to me. My kids drink these smoothies as well which is often the only way I can get veggies into them. I also often blend in hemp seed protein, flax seed, spirulina and probiotics along with fruit and greens. I think it has really helped me throughout this process.
Congrats on your takedown! I had mine almost 4 weeks ago - I've been miserable lol!
I have a vitamix too but I've made my fruit smoothies in blenders at all of my relatives houses in their various blenders.

I use PlantFusion protein mix that is hypoallergenic and was recommended to my by my nutritionist. You can buy it on-line at or look up their website and type in your zip code and their site will list Retail stores close to you that sell it.

I mostly use frozen fruit and a banana. Fresh fruit is great too. I also put in fresh spinach or a carrot. I use vanilla flavored PlantFusion mix most of the time and sometimes Chocolate. I add ice and some skim milk and smoothie on. It is my favorite meal of the day.

I also make one with homemade peanut butter, banana, chocolate PlantFusion ice and skim milk splash.

PlantFusion provides 43% of the daily required protein in one serving and has many nutrients too.
Thanks everyone for your replies.

I have been miserable too! I had no clue it would be so hard! I have felt incredibly underprepared. But I am thankful for the small improvements, most recently the gradual subsiding of what was agonizing anal burn the first week out.

Have you been tolerating your smoothies since your takedown? I've been afraid to have any drink that's been shaken or blended for fear of air bubbles giving me gas. The gas causes such horrible discomfort and urgency for me.

Very good idea, I will try that.

TE Marie,
Thanks for the product reco. Can I ask why your nutritionist recommend a protein shake to you? Was it to help you gain weight, manage energy or because you can't tolerate or don't eat meat? I'm having trouble taking in enough calories and am worried about further weight loss, so wondering if I need a protein supplement as well. My husband just bought a scale, and I am shocked! I don't think I've weighed this little since early adolescence.
It was for nutrition, not for weight loss or gain. It also has good nutrients for cell growth. I was over weight but loosing it too fast and not getting the right nutrients after my surgeries. My Internist thought I was loosing weight too fast. It's also good for healing. I don't think it gives me gas but you could make it and set it in the refrigerator for a while I suppose. I'd leave out the veggies in the beginning. I have a Vitamix that pulverizes the ingrediants like a super blender. You really have to pulverize fruits that have skins, like blueberries and strawberries. If you are on the cautious side, there is a frozen blend at Wal-mart of peaches, pineapple, mango and strawberries (not that many to worry about) that I mix with a banana that's really good. I always use a banana too. It helps with dehydration issues too. I did not use skim milk in the beginning either. You can just use water or juice. I like the mix more frozen and you might like it not so cold. I've used apple, white grape and cranberry juices but if you use too much you don't taste the fruits you are using. The protein powder has around 225 calories it's self. I still use it and I'm 2.5 years out from surgery.

If you can tolerate sugar a UPS J-poucher suggested eating rice krispie treats on here. He eats them during his day as the marshmallows in them promote slowing the system. Plus they taste good as long as you need to put on weight and appears as you can't tolerate lactose (ice cream).

You might want to add digestive enzimes to your daily routine to help with gas. I used them for over a year. Think gasX or beano but better. I bought "super digesive enzimes" by solray or life exensions brands.

Good luck.

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