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Sorry if this is too graphic but it's a question on my mind.

I have been suffering from some rectal prolapse over the years due to the tenesmus and spasms when trying to go. This usually is in varying degrees. It's never a full prolapse but it's gotten enough to where I have to gently push it in when my rectum is going through turmoil to defecate. It kind of is a lump of the anal tissue that I just need to push up a bit but never the mucosa or anything.

I was wondering if anyone else ever had this prior to surgery and if this would impact my ability to get a j pouch? I never had continence issues related to it but not sure if it will require special surgical treatment when getting a j pouch.
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Hi Tiesto81.
I remember when I had U/C that I had a similar condition to you with a bit of a prolapes and it did not effect me having an S Pouch done,its like a J pouch but uses 3 loops of ileum wher a J pouch uses 2.
I think you will be ok because if the surgeon that does your J pouch has done a few he/she will most likely have seen it before.
Best Regards from Australia.
Great, I am happy to hear this. Smiler On a related note, is anything done with regards to hemmoroids with the surgery? I didn't know with all the work done down there so to speak if they end up even touching hemmoroids or if it just clears up afterwards. I definitely have some. But I believe that it is all due to the straining and frequency over the years. I imagine post surgery it would be less of an issue since that part of your body is not getting exhausted as much with as with colitis.
When they created my k pouch, they disconnected the colon but didn't remove the 2nd month it was prolapsed right out the bottom...had to keep pushing it back up (TMI?) it cramped and was squirting a awful, stinky mucous constantly...3 months later at step 2 they yanked it out, closed me up and other than some phantom pains and pressure life was grand. No problem for the surgery but I am a k poucher and not a j poucher.

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