I've searched the site but can't seem to find what the symptoms are. I saw Dr. Shen's PA today & she is testing me for cdiff. My symptoms: increased frequency, day time leaking, nocturnal incontinence, very tender low abdomen, pressure in low abdomen, watery stools, greenish in color. No fever but general fatigue & just feel blah. I was thinking pouchitis but she seems to think that due to being on Cipro since 1996, possibility of cdiff. I'm having a pouchoscopy (Dr. Shen will do) tomorrow so hopefully I can get to the bottom of it. She said to totally stop the Cipro & she gave me a PRN order for Flagyl. Kind of leery about stopping the Cipro but I hate dealing with the above issues so if that's what I need to do, I guess that's what I'm doing! Are these symptoms of cdiff or pouchitis? Thanks!