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7 weeks post j-pouch construction, a few weeks ago my j-pouch discharge started to have some blood in it and that has continued pretty consistently. My surgeon scoped my pouch and says although the pouch is clear there is a little inflammation and bleeding in the ATZ. I asked if this was cuffitis and he said "kind of", but that it would quiet down as I healed and even if it continued to bleed he didn't think I would notice or have symptoms after takedown. I also sometimes have a pressure feeling like I need to empty my pouch.

Anyway -- lucky me, I got my period yesterday. Was wearing a tampon for the past 24 hours or so (uh, not the same one continuously, you know what I mean) and ALL day today I had that pressure feeling in my pouch. It was really uncomfortable. Not painful but kind of achey and just a bad feeling. I tried removing the tampon and since then the pressure has pretty much gone away completely.

So... does this happen to anyone else? Could having the tampon inserted be irritating the cuff somehow??? For what it's worth, prior to the pouch construction I had a pelvic MRI and an EUA to check for fistula and they were both totally negative. I've had intercourse post-op and it was pretty uneventful, maybe a little tighter but not super uncomfortable.

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Hi Liz,
Yes, way back when, when I still had a period ( Big Grin) I used to feel 'heavy' back there (and I no longer have a rectum!), felt like a 5lb. bag of jello sitting in there and rolling around whenever I got up to walk or move around...It also felt like my uterus was going to drop out of my body but maybe that was just meWink!
I kind of got used to it and recognised the feeling...pre-period was achy-breaky-back, heavy Barbie-butt, sloppy-floppy! (I also found it much more difficult to put tampons in once my colon/rectum were removed...the angle changed and things shifted in there...I got used to the new direction but it was always more difficult then pre-pouch.)
At least my period never snuck up on announced itself loud and clear, a week prior and stuck around until I was all done...
I wouldn't worry too much...if you are allowed them, then try some OTC anti-inflamatories to ease the pain, hot baths and a heating pad were my best friends (not counting the chocolat and ice cream Big Grin)
I totally have the same experience. It's like the angle changed. It's the same way with anything that happens to be down in that region...

I actually got the IUC (Mirena) because I was highly anemic anyways and the loss of blood every month didn't help, plus dealing with my period became a whole new can of worms with the inability to use tampons and the flare that would often start.

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