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Hi Everyone,

Had my colectomy a week ago today. Apart from some pain management issues immediately after the surgery (I had horrible morphine itches) everything went really well. Have been at home the last couple of days, must say I'm still getting used to Boris the bag, however am enjoying the lack of UC (tiredness, ****ting blood and cramps/pain).

Apart from some general internal discomfort at times I'm not really experiencing any pain/complications (touch wood). I guess the first step (of 3) is the relatively simple one however.

Just wondering what everyone's thoughts were regarding recovery/time between surgeries. I obviously want to give my body the time it needs to help and will do anything to assist the process! I do not seem to have any dietry restrictions, except sometimes my stomach feels a little 'upset' and my output increases. I guess it'll take a little whilt to settle? Did people exercise a lot between surgeries? I have started walking a little, I would like to start running however I feel I'll need something to secure Boris before I get too energetic.

I want my j pouch now! haha
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I called my loop ileostomy Babs. Smiler

I had a two-step. Took four months between colectomy/creation of J pouch/loop ileostomy and takedown. I was back in nursing school and working 25 hours/week 3.5 months after takedown. Didn't work out between 1-2... More so after takedown, and nothing too strenuous at first. I think I weathered my surgeries better, too, because I was a much younger woman when I had them done. Smiler
It's only been a week, you're doing great! No need to rush so much Smiler

I started running eight weeks after my first surgery (same as yours). I did a lot of brisk walks up until then but didn't really feel ready until the eight week mark. I was very ill for a long time before my surgery though (out of work on disability and basically homebound for months) so it had been a REALLY long time since I did anything for exercise besides walking.

My surgeon wanted me to wait 12 weeks between steps 1 and 2, and just because of scheduling stuff I ended up waiting 15 weeks. My takedown date isn't finalized yet because I haven't had the pouchogram yet, but we're aiming for 13 weeks between steps 2 and 3. I don't have any other major health issues and I'm more or less med free now so I think those are fairly standard wait periods. Some people go faster, some slower. I told my surgeon I would do exactly what he thought would set me up for success, so there it is.

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