Uceris would not pose the same dangers as prednisone during surgery, because it is topical, as opposed to systemic. It would be essentially the same as using hydrocortisone enemas before surgery. But, if you were on prednisone for more than a month or so in the past year, you'd likely need IV steroids in the perioperative perios, because of the possible risk of adrenal failure under the stress of surgery. So, while what you take right now does matter, what you've taken in the past matters too.
The main thing is to try not to obsess about it too much. Surgeons know how to deal with it.
I was on high dose prednisone and HC enemas at the time of my surgeries. I had many complications, but I am OK now. You just do what you have to at the time, I guess.
Oh, and my neuroganglioma was not cancerous. It probably was there my whole life. They probably would not have done anything with it if I was not symptomatic. Turned out that my tacchycardia was unrelated and was due to a conduction defect in my heart. It was fixed by radioablation. It wasn't that scary, since I knew what was going on. I was a little miffed to lose an adrenal gland that was perfectly fine, but I still have one left.
Sometimes the evidence just takes you in a wrong direction...