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Hello Everyone!
I am a new- again member on here and I forgot just how helpful you all can be! I am getting married in August and while we aren't ready for pregnancy and babies just yet, knowing my health history and potential complications I wanted to start gathering some information earlier rather than later. Does anyone know of an OB who has jpouch experience in the New England area?
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I went with a high risk OB who had j-pouch and ostomy experience - Dr Bruce Cohen at the BIDMC. He's phenomenal. I wish he could still be my dr without having to have more babies! He delivered both my kids by c-section and I had no issues with delivery at all.

I did have a near total obstruction during the first pregnancy, but Dr. Cohen was very reassuring and calm throughout and in the end I did not need surgery and the rest of the pregnancy was fine.
Dr Cohen was fine with letting me try a vaginal delivery if I wanted. I have a perm ileo after failed jpouch. I had always been told if I had big babies I would most likely need a c section (even prior to surgery). Dr Cohen did say that the only advantage in his mind of planning a c section was that he could take the time to be extra careful with my intestines. If I tried vaginal delivery and needed an emergency c section his concern would be getting the baby out, not my intestines. The other advantage is that then you know the dr who will deliver. If you doma vaginal delivery and your dr isn't on or available, you get whoever is on call. So I chose the c-section option.

Dr Cohen is excellent at explaining all options and possible outcomes. He is extremely calm and can make the worst news possible seem like a minor challenge. He has helped several of my friends without pouches who had very complicated issues (including one who reduced a quad pregnancy to a twin and then lost the babies at 20 weeks - 3 years later delivered healthy twins) and brought them through. Can't recommend him highly enough.
Hi Ladies,

I am currently 5 mos pregnant and 6 1/2 mos post take down, we got pregnant a LOT faster than anticipated. We interviewed an OB to find what was best for us. I am seeing a regular OB and mid-wife combo through my doctors office. I find that having two advocates for me and my little one is helpful. I asked if they thought I would need a high risk OB due to my unique plumbing now that I have no large bowel and they felt confident they could work with me. If a problem should arise I can always be referred to the high risk OB however it is not something we foresaw being an issue. I have to say thus far this pregnancy has been good. I find I am still tired but I work full time and have two children already. I am electing to have a c-section as my surgeon, Dr. Poylin out of BIDMC, felt it was better that we not jeopardize the integrity of my jpouch by straining to have a vaginal delivery. My OB is planning to have a surgeon in the room with him and my husband and I are discussing every possible thing we can think of to ensure both the bay and I are safe. The only thing I am opting not to do is the glucose testing, drinking that sugary stuff may cause diarrhea and we all know that would suck! I was able to have my surgery lapriscopically (sp?) and was not a sick as most prior to opting to have this surgery, I was not willing to try remicade etc. due to the potential side effects. I think the best choice for you is to interview/meet with both a high risk and general OB and discover which you are most comfortable with. Good Luck in your marriage and in planning your new life and family together.
You both have been so helpful! I was 15 when I got sick and while I knew that "one day" I would be getting married and having children it was not in the foreseeable future. That time has arrived and I want to be as prepared as I can be just in case any complications or any unexpected situations arise. Thank you both! I'm sure I'll be in touch throughout the next couple of years as we start to work on getting pregnant.

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