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My takedown was April 30th, my FMLA leave has me going back to work tomorrow June 6th. My job is a help desk in IT field. I have a small office I sit in majority of my time until someone breaks something then I of course go and fix it. I'm so nervous because I'm still going to the bathroom a good bit and my doctor believes I still have some pouchitis going on. Just got put back on cipro and flagyl yesterday. Will being up and walking around more help the healing process or agitate things?
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I was a stay at home mom at the time of my surgery. But, I was very active with the kids and their school (PTA president, classroom volunteer, that sort of thing). I had a 1-step and school started about 3-4 weeks later. I would say that I was going about half-throttle by that time, and I had lots of complications, even landing back in the hospital a few times. But, basically, I sort of pushed myself, but made sure that I was fairly close to a toilet. Even that early though, I could delay a bowel movement 1-2 hours, so going a little out of my comfort zone actually was a good thing. Otherwise, I'd probably run to the can at the first inkling.

You can go back to work and give it a try. You can always go back out on temporary disability if you have run out of FMLA. Your doctor should be flexible on approving that if needed.

Jan Smiler
I have a desk job and went back full time at about 5 weeks after. I worked from home at about the three week mark because I was going 20+ times a day -- it just wasn't going to be productive at work. When I first went back to work, I was still going about 10-12 times a day, but made sure that I emptied prior to getting busy or going into long appointments. Good luck!
I was in college, so I took off my spring and summer semesters. After takedown in May, I was back commuting to school and doing clinicals in nursing school that late August/September without issues... though I was out and about much earlier that summer, well before that start date (I was just lucky my timing coincided when I was able to take time off).

I had my surgery in Feb this year (stage 1) and also in April (stage 2). Inbetween, I caught numerous infections, not to mention the severe diarrhea after stage 2. I went back to work this week (3rd June) and was nervous because of the bathroom frequency. The only thing I found was that being on my feet all day (retail Manager), I got tired fast and also had that 'feeling' of wanting to go constantly. I also discovered that if I eat, I am diving for the bathroom, which is also embarrassing. I'm dreading having to do full part time.
I went back after 6 weeks. I am a teacher and that is when the school year started. I had had 4 surgeries in 8 months and I was wiped out. The third surgery was for an internal infection. The 4th was takedown. I think I would have been ok if not for the whole infection thing. They found it, I was forced (by insurance companies, I'm sure) to try to make it go away with intravenous antibiotics for one month. Studies show that does NOT work. I got so sick and weak that month- lost 30 lbs. in 30 days.... It was horrible. Finally my doc called and said, we're going in to operate tomorrow. I was relieved. But, back to the point. Once I got back to work, I was so tired I was falling asleep on my way home from work. I really think I should have taken about 3 weeks more off, but my doc said no. I keep meaning to tell him it was too soon. One day I will. He's great and I know he will take me seriously.

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