So I went to my yearly exam for my gyno. After my pap and while doing my vaginal exam, the gyno says ok, now I'm going to do an anal exam but she had already entered my jpouch!!! I was so startled, I immediately said no,no,no and scooched up the table and out of her reach. I was so surprised she did this, considering we had just discussed the fact that I had a jpouch. I was very startled and even though it was only for a couple of seconds, I was and am a little concerned. There was no bleeding from the pouch at the time or in the next stool, but I am a little tender (not a lot, just a little).
Has anyone had this happen to them? I think I may call my GI doc and see if I need my cuff checked as he said that "no one. no one is ever to go there." Very upset about this as I try to be very protective of my pouch and cuff

Another example of a totally clueless doctor about jpouches. Then the part that left me with my mouth hanging open-The gyno asked about my not wanting an anal exam and when I explained that I no longer had a rectum and just had a cuff, and my gi surgeon said no one is to go there, she looked at me like I was out of my mind.She then proceeded to ask me "then how does my gi doc check there." And I told her with a SMALL scope(but I wanted to say- Not with multiple fingers!!!!!.Arggg!!!!!