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I had Colitis and had a complete Colectomy with J-pouch in 2004. In 2012 I cracked a rib and went on Antibiotics for Pneumonia, and after developed what I thought was Pouchitis. My Surgeon did testing and said that I may have been misdiagnosed and that he believed that I had Chrons to begin with. I have been in constant pain for over a year now with sever cramping and wrenching. I discussed Probiotics with my Dr. and he said that he was all for them. I discussed Fecal Transplants with him, and he told me that he would fully support that if it was something that I wanted to try. He told me that Kaiser was going to be using it for C-Diff and that he had no problem with it. I waited until after I had gotten off of the antibiotics for almost 2 weeks and the Pain was starting to come back again full force and did the fecal transplant. At the end of 5 days I started to feel better and the cramping and wrenching subsided. I have gotten better every day now for the last 6 days and am currently pain free. I have not run into any studies that have been done with Fecal transplants for Colitis or Chrons, but thought that it was important that I pass this news on to the community here. Maybe it can help someone else as well.


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Unless it was ruled out in your case, I wonder if you had small bowel C. difficile all along. It seems so suspicious that this all started after taking antibiotics, especially now that the fecal transplant worked so well for you.

It would be good to know if the C. diff had been ruled out, making Crohn's or something like it more of a possibility.

Either way, it is great that this worked out so well for you. There is another thread going where people had the kabash put on their fecal transplant treatment due to FDA hoops they had to jump through that made it impossible to go forward.

Jan Smiler
Jan Dollar
My friend and I both got C.diff (we both have continent ileos) and they were diagnosing her with Chron's all of a sudden when she had UC this whole time. She was almost put on chemo drugs to treat the pouch/chron's issues/ Turned out she had C.diff. It is a simple test. I do not understand why more do not do it. It is tested by stool specimen so you would most likely know. The way to get the most accurate results is testing by PCR.

Cipro, Omncieff and Suprax is what caused my c.diff.
What a shame to hear FDA is making fecal transplants near impossible, when they have been shown to be so effective. As someone who had recurrent C. Diff., which eventually finished off the job of destroying my colon that UC had started, I wish it had been an option for me back in 2009-2011. I heard about it at the time, but then people were going to Canada for it, etc.
And,yes, it seems Cipro is what "caused" my C. Diff. as well.
And Jan, I have to ask when you say "small bowel C. Diff.," do you mean C. Diff. just in the pouch or elsewhere in the small bowel as well? So that's a possibility? Because I have to say that with my history of C. Diff. I do worry about it coming back, in my pouch..or elsewhere.

Thanks, Laurie

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