Norco is pretty much the same thing as Vicodin, just less Tylenol in it. The hydrocodone is the same, but can be ordered as 5mg, 7.5mg, or 10mg. They are getting away from Vicodin to reduce your total daily dose of Tylenol (especially since people take it in addition to their opiates). Too many people winding up with liver toxicity from it.
But, if you are going to the ER, I would advise you NOT to request a specific opiate. It makes you look more like a drug seeker. They give you a squinty eye anyway when you show up in the ER asking for pain relief and say you don't have a primary doctor. They will give only enough to last a few days, so don't expect a month's supply.
I agree though that you may get some suggestions for a primary doctor that way. Have you tried contacting your old doc to see if there are some referral ideas? Seems rather odd to close up a practice without making arrangements for someone to take over the patients.....
