After the last time I changed my flange, I got SO sick of ripping off all the hair growing around it that I devised a way to shave without worrying about my stoma spewing poop while I'm trying to shave. I suppose this applies mostly to men (silly question, but do women have any fine hair around the stomal area?), I'm moderately hairy (except on my head, waahhhhh!!!!) and changing my flange really hurts, so, after rattling the little peanut between my ears, I came up with this. Why not use a condom? It's flexible, and elastic, and will stay on my stoma without blocking the skin around it, so, I tried it, worked like a charm! Thankfully, my stoma is long enough to attach the condom around it (for security, I also tape around it to ensure its snug around the stoma) and gives me all the time I need to shave, and treat the skin with soothing, moisturizing lotion (the skin around the stoma goes through hell, you have to ensure its properly taken care of, especially after shaving). When done, I simply spray on my barrier spray, let it dry, pop off the condom (very little stool leaks in the 10 minutes it takes to shave and moisturize), and put on the new flange. The next time I have to remove the flange, it doesn't hurt, at all, and my skin feels terrific, just a thought, have a great day,