My question though deals with post J Pouch surgery. I've always been in pretty good shape and I've been one of those lucky people who had a fast metabolism and never seemed to really put on lbs. Prior to going into surgery and after part 1 of the surgery, I was really thin (I normally weighed between 160 - 180 (if lifting) and I was down to 134). But since the surgery, I've put on quite a bit of weight on my midsection. No matter how much I work out - and I've been doing bicylces, crunches, etc. I can't seem to lose the love handles and belly fat. I also notice that my abdomen ALWAYS looks bloated no matter what I do. And the area where my old large intestine was looks sunken in, making me appear almost pregnant at times

Has anyone else run into this issue. Do we J-Pouchers put on weight differently once the intestine is removed? Has anyone else noticed the shape of their abdomen change post surgery? Maybe it's because I'm almost 40 and my metabolism changed but I've never dealt with this before. Any once else dealing with this?