Hi all! I know there's probably a lot of people out there who experience the same feelings I do, so I'm hoping someone has some good ideas of coping. It's been 2 years since my j-pouch has been all hooked up and I'm having trouble dealing with the sex aspect of my life. My husband has been incredibly supportive and has never once given me a hard time, so this is all on my end. Most days I feel so exhausted from working all day and running to the bathroom that by the time I get home and my husband wants to be intimate, I just feel disgusting and tired. I feel bad because I don't want him to think I'm not interested (and have explained all of this to him) but I can't help but feel bad. I know I could just shower, but as I said, my body has about enough energy to make dinner and relax a little before bed. Does anyone have any suggestions or have the same problem? I also always feel like having sex puts pressure on my pouch and I can't enjoy it because all I do is concentrate on having to go to the bathroom. My GI doc said to just make sure I go to the bathroom right before, but who the heck would feel sexy after that?! Thanks guys (gals) 

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