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I've been seeing a chriopractor since 1973...first back related then bowel related (they promised everything from curing my PMS to colitis on through) the end I go back to them for the short term relief that I get for my lower back and neck...I have a chiro that does deep tissue massage and 'organ' massage...the jury is out for me on the positive effects or not...
My personal opinion is that if it feels good, doesn't hurt you and gives you a modicum of relief then why not? And of course is it worth the cost if you do not have insurance coverage for it?
I've been under Chiropractic care since early December for my back, neck, and shoulders and it is definitely helping in those areas.

I think they thought it would help my pouch/Crohns/etc., but other than setting me off on a small flare in December, things are pretty much the way they have been.

I have noticed an increase in sinus issues since starting but I am working on that with an ENT as well to see if it's related or just fluke timing.

My doctor has be doing stretches, massage, and adjustments. I was doing trigger-point injections but their effect wasn't working anymore.

If it feels good and helps give any type of relief, go for it.
Thanks for your comments I get about the same idea in general. Many times you just don't know what to do; however, chiropractic does help. Another thing I have been taking is a supplement called Protandim and have a meeting to go to tonight with a speaker who has fibromyalgia and lymes for 20 years plus, was told by the Mayo clinic she would not be able to walk. She is doing extremely well on this supplement.
Thanks again for your kindnesses and may the Lord bless your every need,

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