However as soon as I found out I started taking folic acid and have stopped all medication/antibiotics for pouchitis as I am on continuous metronidazole/cipro rotation.
I am very shocked about finding I'm pregnant, myself and my partner have been 2years without using any contraception and we were beginning to think it wasn't ever going to happen. I'm very excited but also very nervous. I'm trying not to get too stressed but keep reading about all the complications that can happen with a pouch and pregnancy.
I have never had a straight forward condition and pretty much everything that could have gone wrong with my pouch in the past has happened.
As it is currently the Easter bank holiday (I tested positive on Saturday) I have been unable to make any arrangements to see my GP. I am having abdo pain/cramping, back pain. And I can't quite tell what it is, but my pouch kind of feels different, especially when emptying, it's quite tender and literally 2minutes after it feels full again.
I have been weeing a lot more frequently also, which is very unusual for me, because I only usually wee once or twice a day. So I'm worried about de-hydration.
I think I was a little naive as I assumed the hardest part would be conceiving then it would all be straight forward until the birth, but now I'm worried about scar tissue and adhesions/blockages etc and how my pouchitis can be treated.
I'm also worried about how my abdo scar will stretch when my bump grows and if this is going to hurt.
When my GP sends me to the midwife/maternity clinic will they understand any problems that could occur? As this is not really a common situation in my area.
My GI consultant is at St Marks Hospital in London, which is 4hours away from where I live so not sure how we can all work together to make sure the midwife/maternity teams at my local hospital understand my needs.
I'm just so scared of something going wrong. I don't think I would be suitable for a vaginal birth but I'm really hoping that whoever see's me at my local hospital understands this and doesn't try and stop me having a section.
Sorry this is so long and I am such a worrier.
Any advise would be greatly appreciated to stop me panicking!! :-/