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Hi Army wife,

I know you are pregnant right? During the second half of my pregnancy, bleeding became a major issue. The did a scope at 26 weeks and found that the tissue was really delicate and bled easily. They lasered a particularly bad bit and said in normal circumstances it would have been OK but pregnancy increased pressure reducing venous return thereby increasing bleeding. I had at some points huge amounts of blood and at other times small amounts. Since my son was born in January I have been fine re bleeding.

My pouchitis was also really bad and I struggled with water stools and incontinence at the end. Still dealing with incontinence but local steroids are helping that. My surgeon took a look and said cuff was insanely red, inflamed and ulcerated and that was causing incontinence and spasm. The steroids have really helped.

I rotated antibiotics and maybe you need to swap or take some local steroids. Either way I would go to check it out.

Hang in there - you are almost there!!!
It definitely can be a symptom of pouchitis, but it could be cuffitis or delicate tissue as Clicky said or something else. I don't think the doc will really be able to give you much info without a scope. If the blood is minimal and you can hang on three more weeks, then while you're all numb down there, maybe your GI can come in and scope you at the same time :-) 3 soon!!! Hope you are feeling ok otherwise...glad it's going to quickly for you!

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