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2 weeks ago I had a severe bladder infection that I was passing blood and blood clots. I went in to my general doctor, she said it was a bladder infection and put me on antibiotics and it cleared up. Today I started having the same symptoms I had two weeks ago, however I'm pretty sure there was stool/poop coming out the last two times I went to the bathroom ....when I wiped it was brownish, the same color as my poop. Should I call my doctor now? Its 10:30 at night or just wait until morning? Does this sound like a fistula? Thanks for your help...I'm kinda freaking out right now!:/ Oh, and if you think fistula would it just be a given that I would have to have surgery given the reaccuring bladder infections?
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It could stop and start like that, epecially if there were clots that took a while to break down. Antibiotics might help with a fistula, but if it is there already, antibiotics would probably just stop it from getting worse. It would take months or longer to get it to close that way. But, sometimes just keeping it small and not draining is enough.

I still would not assume this is a fistula, at least not yet. Sometimes bad bladder infections are just that, and just need more intense therapy to be rid of them. I had to beon antibiotics for a year once, when I had hemorrhagic bladder infections.

Wait and see if the antibiotics clear up the bladder infection. If it keeps coming back, or you begin to pass gas from your bladder, then it is time to worry.

Good luck.

Jan Smiler

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