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I was hoping someone can answer a question can a ishorectal abcess come back? I had one drained back in Sept and am experiencing deep sharp pains in my right buttocks where the abcess was.. I started back at the gym today and went on the eliptical for only 1/2 hour and am wondering if the pain is related? However I have been feeling light headed and nauseous for a few days..
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Thanks Jan I am seeing my doctor today for the light headed feeling know I am lacking in something? Is there a way they can tell if its coming back I'm still dealing with this perianal abcess that was done at the same time.. My doctor says its not infected or no abcess is forming again but it drains a lot.. Can the 2 connect as in a fistula is that possible? Only good thing besides the draining and feeling like I can hit a brick wall at once pain is minamal at best I'm alright with it? It's the unknown that's freaking me out!!
Sure, any of that stuff is possible. However, not likely if the perianal abscess is draining. The reason is that fistulization occurs when there is pressure from the abscess and it is seeking an exit. Since it is draining, there is no pressure.

What is most likely is that the pain you are experiencing is from contracted scar tissue within the muscle. Working on an eliptical really gets those large muscle groups working. Hopefully, with time, that pain will ease up as the scar tissue is stretched.

Jan Smiler
Thanks Jan my doctor had a X-ray done for blockage and blood work to check for infection both were fine.. I am having a scope on the 2nd and he wants another ct scan..I just have so many more aches and pains very bad back pains and under left and right breast bone that radiates through my back.. I also feel like i hit a wall from feeling good and then the energy is sucked out of becomes more intense before my period can there be a connection? One more strange thing is the inner corners of my eyelids have been so dry and itchy that it effects my sight. I have told my family doctor he says its dry eyes.. I feel like its all due to my issues at hand all connected somehow.Thank goodness for this forum it has helped so much in the last six months I'm hoping someone has the same experience and can give me advice?

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