My 12 year-old has CD. GI informed us that antibodies for Remicade are now present and the drug is no longer effective, which explains why symptoms have worsened. GI wants us to start Humira immediately, even though same doc told us previously that we needed to do Remicade since there wasn't enough history with Humira in pediatric GI patients.
I've done a search on Humira on this site and it sounds like most people have had a positive experience, at least for as long as the drug was effective, and that the main cancer to be aware of is skin. Seems like highest actual risk is one of infection. Given that, we think we should go ahead. However, my child has developed a needle phobia from the Remicade treatments and also is so burned out on everything that is terrified of the stinging during injection.
We've also considered jumping into SCD for 30 days before starting Humira as a last-ditch effort.
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!
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