I went to the doctor earlier in the week because I was having extreme pain , I though I must have pouchitis because all the symptoms I was having point to it. I went for a CT scan at there was a large cyst on my ovary , they gave me something for pain and I was to go for an ultrasound this morning , well I went for the ultrasound and the cyst is a little bigger then a golf ball , but there is nothing they can so other then manage the pain and follow up with another ultrasound in a couple weeks...... I have crazy pain when I go to the washroom , feel like i cant empty properly and pressure all the time , I've read that these are normal symptoms of ovarian cyst but I can't help but think I'm feeling worse because of he position of my pouch....... Was wondering if anyone else has ever had ovarian cyst and what the symptoms were ..... I'm a working mom of 3 not like I can take pills to manage pain and still get very thing that needs to be done done. Feeling hopeless