I'm wearing aa ileostomy that's completely detached from pouch and more the time passes the worse it's getting,at first it was a little bit of discharge once a day now it's constant leakage all day long and espessialy at night time what's worrying me is that I feel the urgency and head for a bathroom which don't always get to on time.its frustrating to have the ileostomy n still have to run for a bathroom and and end up with an accident.. To top it off they seem to be getting on the yellow/green side with a foul odor. Has anyone had this????? I'm so frustrated because of my delemma of being I between 2 different hospitals it's been hard trying to get through to this new secretary of the new Dr.Faria who wants to take me over as new patient. I tried calling her this week and she gives me the brush down by saying { well you know that you have a fistula so were waiting for you to be seen by the gyno dept.} I keep on asking her what the gyno have to do with it??? She replies with that's what the dr asked for. Again with the change of dr issue here it puts me behind. Anyhow it's driving me crazy due to the recto/vaginal fistulas I'm irritated from front to back. God knows what this means? Does it put the pouch at risk? This will surely delay the rectal vaginal repair, especially if the gyno has to get involved. It's been 5 weeks since I was told that the gyno would call me for an appointment. They call us patients, but I'm starting to lack it more n more...so if anyone of you has had anything familiar to this I would appreciate your input.
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