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That was me, too...also incontinent during the day....for 13 years. Undiagnosed pouchitis. I had my pouch for about 10 years before the problem started. I was put on Flagyl (antibiotic) for 3 weeks but my symptoms were virtually gone in 8 hours!

Get it checked out. Not sleeping and pooping on yourself is for the birds, on many levels.

Hope you find relief and rest fast! Let us know. Smiler
This will sound weird, but the thing that keeps me from night-time leaking/incontinence is a probiotic. If I run out for more than a few days, I starting having nighttime accidents.

I can also tell when I have missed my Imuran as I start feeling like I have the flu.

I guess I am just suggesting....start a probiotic if you aren't already taking one.
Just found this forum. I have had my J Pouch for 18 years. I have FAP so have not problems like the UC folks. In the last week I have woken up in the middle of the night, go to the head and can't go. Back to bed 10 minutes later feel the need and nothing on the throne. Back to bed and 1/2 hour later leaks. Has happened 3 out of 5 nights. It usually happens maybe once/yr. I know I am "lucky" after reading many posts on this forum, but I am a walking zombie this week. Never had pouchitis that I know of, is this it? My every 2 yr follow-up is in May but wanted to ask the EXPERTS on here.
Cuffitis can also contribute to night-time accidents. Perhaps ask your doc for some Canasa suppositories to try for 2-3 weeks.

I too had my pouch for about 10 years before I started experiencing regular (2, 3, 4+) accidents at night, and symptoms that sc56 describe. Ugh. After fistula discovery, antibiotics, and canasa, accidents have been reduced significantly.

Good luck --

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