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Hi guys!

Usually, I'm not phased, at all, before surgery, but, ever since I began my anti-anxiety meds 3 years ago, surgery is absolute hell on earth, and the most frightening thing you could ever experience. For some, as of yet, unknown reason, I react horribly to the anaesthetia meds! When I'm waking up, it feels like I'm loosing my mind, like I'm trapped in someone else's mind aka disassociation. I can only describe it as feeling like I'm trapped in a nightmare, I don't know who, or where, I am. Neither I, nor my doctors, know why, but previous to my anti-anxiety meds, I had zero problems after surgery, I'd just wake up groggy and in pain like everyone else. Now, I'm afraid to wake up! Have any of you ever had this happen to you? It takes about 12-24 hours to start snapping out of it, after my 9 hour surgery last June I literally thought I was dead, and that I was a ghost. The nurses told me I was acting really weird, and kept trying to pull out all my IV'S, O2 mask, catheters, drains and wires. They had to restrain me to get me to stop, now, I don't mind being handcuffed to a bed, as long as a little diner and soft music are part of it, but this was not my idea of a good time! Every time I try to describe this to a doctor, they look at me like I have worms coming it of my nose! If any of you have encountered something similar, please, let me know. Also, for those of you who've had valve revision, how tough was your recovery? Any and all info would be very much appreciated!

Eric Eeker
Original Post

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Hi Sweetie,
Calm down, take a deep breath and think...Who prescribes those anxiety meds for you??? He is the go to guy to talk to about drug interactions/associations and find out if you cannot switch to another med or even wean off of it until after surgery...not sure that an antianxiiety med will do you that much good if its interaction with the anesthetic is that terrifying and potentially dangerous for you post op...Have him make an apt to see/talk to your anesthesiologist and get this stuff sussed out before you go the hubby reacts somewhat similar to anesthetics...First off,he does not wake up for 24hrs (talking after a 1/2hr surgery!) and then he is groggy, violent etc but not to the extent that you are...And he took no meds pre, the only time that I ever had that bad a reactions was to an exploratory with Dr C who freaked because I didn't awake completely for 2 days and had some really horrific hallucinations during the replays rhyme or reason why...
Hugs kids and hang in there
Hi Eric,

I recognise what you are talking about. When I had my panproctocolectomy I was fine the first day after surgery, albeit completely out of it, but I remember none of that. All I remember is waking up on the second night and not knowing where I was or why. I was convinced it was a nightmare about some game show set up and pulled out my nasogastric tube. I was about to pull out the others when the nurses intervened. They called my wife from my mobile and she had to tell me why I was there and what was going on. It was 2:30 am. Bless her.
I went into sepsis the next day and we put it down to that but when I had my K Pouch done last month I told the surgical staff and anaesthetist all about it. They put it down to the sepsis but said it could also be the anaesthetic. I was switched from morphine to something else after that night following my first op.

This time round I did not have the same disorientation (actually more like elation) but I had a bad physical reaction to morphine and they switched me to oxycodone, which was a lot better. So maybe walk through the options with your anaesthetist to see if there is some way around it. Mine told me this is fairly common.

Wishing you all the very best.


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