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Hi guys!

So with the exception of the immediate appointments to my GI and surgeon following my surgery, I have sort of unintentionally phased them out of my life. I am almost a year out from my take down, and living a happy, 'normal' life.

However in some distant colitis blurred memory I have from the year from hell, do I recall my doctors telling me I should still plan on getting scoped yearly for a check up? Ugh I hope not...
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After several post-op visits with my GI, he ended up saying there was no more need to see him, unless something happened.

I see my surgeon every two years now for a check up and a scope.

My brother has never had any check ups after his surgery-eight or so years now. I am surprised that his wife, a nurse, has not wrung his neck.
I guess I could be considered a bad patient. My takedown was 1990 and I never went back bc I had too many horrific doc experiences.

I went back for my first scope since 1990....just last week bc I was having a problem.

I have had my PCP, Gyn and therapist all tell me I should be checked over the years. I believe I've heard annually.

I will be better about it now that I have a GI that seems to know what the heck she's talking about...Not sure I am up for annually, though.
This always kinda makes me wonder. I never heard anything about having a scope. I called to inquire after reading about it on this site and was told sure I could do that but my GI office where I had the surgery was always a bit flyty. My surgeon was fabulous don't get me wrong. one ever contacted me about needing one (you know like the dentist sends reminders or womens health reminds you of pap smear...) and I ***fortunately*** have had a very healthy well functioning pouch have not had to seek help.

Thanks everyone for your response! I think I kind of already knew the answer but was hoping I was wrong. I'm dreading going back because I have been purposefully avoiding seeing my surgeon again. After my surgery, he insisted on my dilating myself to prevent my stricture at the connecting part from getting any smaller. A the time he couldn't even pass his pinky through upon exam. It wasn't bothering me so I never followed through. It was just too painful. He knew and kept warning me it could lead to issues down the line. Eventually, I stopped seeing him (every six weeks) because I moved away. I'm not too far to go in for a special trip... But I am definitely nervous with thinking of the pain of passing the scope through. Maybe I could ask for some mild sedation? Eeeek, I'm coming up on a year since take down....

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