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I am so mad right now!!! I just got a new colostomy bag for another 3-6 mo. There goes my summer with the kids. Why does these bags always make me feel tied down, move slow, and scared to move; all this because of a fistula between my abdomen and my vagina. Whether i got the surgery or not, the other way was just as bad. I will just be glad when it's over with. It's hard around the house, when everyone is too busy to come over and help, or they feel, with me doing everything is the best medicine; I just got out the hospital a week ago!!! I just want to cry sometimes and wish I had someone who would come in and take over everything, including changing these bags. Uugh!!! This really stresses me out to where I be sweating. Don't really have no one to talk to. Ihatethis
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so sorry you are feeling like this. Tell us, what is bothering you the most about the bag. Many of us lead very full and active lives with ostomy bags. We are here to help. Please let us know how we can help you.
right now you really must rest up some if you just got out of the hospital. try to let some household chores just go. It won't be the end of things.
get some rest too. you really must.
let us know what is bothering you most about your ostomy. we might have some ideas for you.
Hi Ihatethis,
Lots of compassion and sympathy for you, I know what it feels like to have your life constantly put on hold until something else gets just have to keep concentrating on the longterm and try to ignore the day to day stuff...Liz is right, you need to rest and heal up a bit first...take some time to get your strength back...start out really slowly getting back to chores...give yourself itdy-bitty little goals like just one small thing to do/get done...tell yourself that for 10 minutes you will pick-up, clean or fix whatever and then take your time and rest after that...I work with tiny goals...once I have managed 1 small thing I feel less overwhelmed...and then I choose to stop or do 1 other tiny the long run I manage to accomplish a whole lot more that way then I do when I look at the whole thing...take your time and give yourself permission to cry and be are allowed...I understand that you hate the bag and the whole thing but it will be over by the end of the summer and then you can move forward with your life.
I've had my ostomy for 11 years. I conceived and carried two babies with it. I hauled around toddlers who kicked my stoma, sat on it, poked at it when curious. Last summer I spent all day every day in the pool with the kids.

I totally get the fear factor of the ostomy. But truly the only limits are the ones your mind convinces you of...feel free to PM me if you want me to share more details of how I live with and pretty much forget about, my ostomy.

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