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10 year j poucher here. Here is what I have done that has helped me, I am not suggesting anyone does any of this. Do your own research and do what you think is right for you.

I started on all the norm, Imodium when loose, canasa supps when I had raging cuffitis, surgery to "fix" fistulas, cipro to "heal" pouchitis, ect, ect, ect.

I have been reading, thinking and experimenting for 10 years. Now finally I am at a point where I feel normal and healthy, well I have 6-8 bm's a day but I think that is healthy for a poucher to keep things moving and reduce the chance of bacteria/ yeast overgrowth and pouchitis.

Here is a list of things I have done to get to where I am now. I feel it is the combination of the actions in this list which has allowed my body to heal itself post op and may have avoided the whole disease from the start if I were taught proper diet and how to avoid poisons to begin with.

1. About 2 years ago, Had all 8 of my amalgam fillings removed (did you know they are half mercury and yes, they do outgas 24-7 despite what those who are paid to put them in have been taught to tell you. When you drink hot liquids they gas even worse

2. Avoid eating grains/starches other then 2 servings of white rice and potatoes a day. Stay away from whole grains also. The logic of eating whole grains is flawed because they do more harm to the guts then any benefit from the nutrients in the grain. Get your nutrients mostly from vegetables (steam em if you have to) and some fruit, not too much because of sugar

3. Avoid GM (genetically modified) Foods whenever possible (mostly only possible when eating at home)

4. Eat many paleo foods. (pre agriculture foods which humans have been eating for hundreds of thousands of years) agriculture has completely changed our diets but our guts are about the same.

5. Developed a system of intermittent fasting with organic psyllium fiber between meals to mimic the normal cycle of complete emptying of the small bowel. I think this works because if you have a constant stream of food in there, slowed down by our pouch and stoma reconnect site you get bacteria/ yeast overgrowth which I think causes pouchitis.

I will tell you exactly what I do to give you an idea of my routine. Right now, I eat only two meals a day. I wake up, take a dose of pysllium with a room temp glass of water. then I have a big cup of decaf tea with a big piece of lemon squeezed in, so good! then I wait an hour or so (9:00) and then have a feast of organic eggs, home fries with onion/garlic cooked in coconut oil, topped off with a nice sized piece of uncured ham. About 4 - 5 hrs later (around 2:00) I either take a dose of psyllium or eat a salad. Around 6:00 eat a large dinner. Go to bed around 10:00-11 Wake around 3:00-4 to go to the bathroom and take a dose of psyllium, wake up and repeat.

6. Cook with coconut oil (I use a steam cleaned version which tastes very mild) eat free range beef, uncured meats, organic chicken, wild alaskan salmon.

7. filter my water with a ceramic/ charcoal gravity filter.

8. When organic or local vegetables are available at a decent price, I will usually pick them instead of conventionally grown veges.

9. Avoid vaccines. (Aluminum, formaldehyde, animal dna, monkey kidney tissue, sometimes mercury ect)

Once again, I am not suggesting anyone does any of this. Do your own research and do what you think is right for you.
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I've been reading a book on the paleo diet and it does make sense, and I could probably follow the diet part of the time, but there are several things I just don't think I could give up. I try to eat healthy the majority of the time, but I still want Subways oatmeal raisin cookies, ( I seriously could go in to withdrawal if I gave these up) peanut M&M's, ice cream, etc. They don't have a bad affect on me and after all I've been thru, I just don't want to deny myself some goodies. I think anyone who could stick to such a strict diet has alot of willpower, something I don't have when I venture into Subway Smiler
Good information I have been avoiding GMO foods and only eating what is organic or I know how it was made. One other area I fund huge is stress management. When work and life overwhelm me I don,t find time to exercise and the pouch goes wack. Generally resulting in increased bleed internally and anemia. This requires iron infusions and then once my energy is back I go back to exercise.
I have had reduce hours at work and give up some community service to get a better life balance and make regular exercise regularly. I am learning my lesion and hope maintain a better balance moving forward making my health a priority.
Glenn, I'd love to hear more. I have had my j pouch for a few years now and have been having trouble emptying it. I keep thinking of ways to change my diet and I have thought, as of two weeks ago.. QUIT having so much fiber! I have been buying all products with fiber, extra fiber and even stir in benefiber into my coffee. Perhaps it's all too much and I should try a few of your tips. Like the white starches and leave the fiber to some vegetables and a little fruit.

Why cocoanut oil? Just curious.

And Paleo diet.. is that the raw diet? Too much raw for me is as bad as the fiber.. but I am fine with a little raw each day. But is that what you meant?

I would like to be back in touch with you about more tips...


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