I´m new to is forum and have joined because I´m pretty worried about a problem I have.
I had UC from 2003 until 2006 when I had my colon removed and a j-pouch created. Closure was in 2007 and I have had very few problems since. Of course I get the occasional twinge but I feel I have been extremely lucky. I get no leakage, am able to pass wind fine, only go to empty my pouch a maximum of 5 times a day etc.
Now on Friday evening I needed to empty my pouch quite badly and started getting a sharp pain, like a spasm, which would come and go. This isn´t unusual as I often get them when my pouch is too full, but the pain usually vanishes once my pouch is empty. So I went to the bathroom, emptied my pouch with no pain and thought nothing else of it until a little while later when the spasm like pain returned. I thought this was strange because my pouch was empty and this had never happened before. As the evening progressed the pain continued but only down my left side. I then noticed that I had a pain at what I assume is the lower region of my pouch, just inside my anus, but only on the left hand side again. Later on when I went to empty my pouch the left side inside my anus felt painful and it was very difficult to empty my pouch.Today is now Monday and my situation is still the same. I am not feeling the need to pass any bowel movements and when I do try it is very difficult to do...the left side feels like it just isn´t able to do it. I am passing gas quite easily. When I sit down after trying to empty my pouch it is uncomfortable on the left hand side and when I have been lying down I feel discomfort on that side too.
I´m obviously worried about what has happened. Currently I live in Germany but my surgeon is in the UK so it´s difficult for me to call up my surgeon and go for a visit so I was wondering if anybody has experienced anything like this before? Maybe I just strained it but I´m not sure......
Thanks for any advice