Great thread Jon,
I am currently experimenting with a serious diet change at the moment.
About a month ago I started feeling ill like with a pouchitis episode, only worse… watery stool, real urgency, 20+ BM per day… I tried 2 courses of flagyl with no improvement (it has always cleared my pouchitis in the past.)
I felt like I had a partial block or had contracted c diff… something was not right, so I organised a scope. The pouch showed reasonable inflammation but no narrowing or strictures which was good.
The doctors prescribed a month of cipro which I am a week into… and now feeling so much better…
For the last couple of years I have also experienced significant arthritic pain in my back and spine… with crippling fatigue.
I had a light bulb moment while on the toilet very sick recently… Something has to change… why are these different auto-immune problems coming up?
When I had my pouch done 8-9 years ago, all the dietary advice I received was : eat white, eat low fibre, don't eat too many fresh fruit and vegies… which I have stuck to, I think to my detriment. I usually eat lots of pasta, bread, wheat cereal… I drink milky coffee, beer. I love all those things.
I have tried cutting these things out in the past with minimal results… but this time I have made a serious go at cutting all wheat, coffee, alcohol & dairy reduced… Have been making fresh juices with vegies, bone broths and trying to eat less carbs but can't bring myself to cutting all starches like potatoes, rice & oats
The past few days I have been feeling better than I have for 2-3 years…
The big unknown right now is how much of my improvement is from the cipro and how much is the diet changes. I am guessing that my sudden change of pouch comfort is from the cipro clearing the pouchitis. But hopefully the diet is the instigator in my reduced arthritis and general feeling of well-being.
With so many differing opinions on diets, it really is hard to no where to start… No Grains. No Eggs. No Dairy. No Nightshades… where does it end?
Honestly I would go batty on a strict paleo or primal diet… very hard when you are meant to be low fibre too.
I think I have been ignoring my bodies signals for years while gorging on wheat and eating/drinking like a teenager. The Arthritis, fatigue and general malaise has been wearing me down big time… I have little kids and the "daddy's gotta lie down again" schtick is growing old fast. I don't want to be the "unwell" guy anymore.
I'm really praying that these dietary changes can have a significant impact on my life.
rant over…