Well, suffice it to say, the Titanic ain't got nothing on me! This ship is sinking from leaking! I have a question for my fellow K pouchers, is it normal for the valve to leak when the pouch is full? There's a pattern developing, it's been leaking most often while sleeping. I usually wake up a few times to empty it, but eventually, I get so tired from lack of sleep that I go into a coma and can't wake up, allow my pouch to fill, and then leak. Shouldn't the valve be able to hold in the stool without leaking? It's happening at least once or twice a week, sometimes more, sometimes less. It's very frustrating, the Percocet keeps things under control during the day (have leaked during the day too though), but I shouldn't have to rely on narcotics to keep from leaking. I tried five days without them, but day three I was in horrible pain, and leaking all day. Misty called me today (Dr Cohen's nurse) to tell me he wants me to wait one month to see if it gets any better as technically I'm still healing (since my op on June 19th). I'm sick of waiting, I've put on entire life on hold for over a year, I want this fixed now, I don't see how waiting a month will accomplish anything, getting really frustrated with this! Stay tune for details, thanks for letter me vent!