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Ok, no joke.
I was watching tv this morning, a morning-mommy's show specialised in pregnancies, births and post partum life etc and they have named today national perinium nice to your perinium...they showed all sorts of exercises to keep it tight, debunked some myths (no, 6pack abs are not as important as tight obliques)...and they showed (on real tv at 9 am!!!) all of the exercise gadgets, tubes, devices etc to strengthen it...They spoke about the benefits of perineal massage and how to do it (!!!) and explained the importance of the perineal muscles in controling your sphincter and urethrea...(try imagining that on Good Morning America!)...they even showed the pictures and diagrams!
Youppii! Our periniums have finally gone public!
They even spoke about the importance of kiegels and how women should avoid episiotomies at all costs...
So, there you have it...periniums have gone mainstream on French tv.
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Apparently in England they have lowered the stats from around 50% to less than 10% for episiotomies by changing the birthing position from the standard one (which is very good for the midwife of Obs/gyn but lousy for the mother/baby) to giving birth on your side! Yup, they showed the devise and appently they have a really good success rate with it (fewer episiotomies, fewer post partum complications) they are working on getting mothers to give birth on hands & knees (easier to push, more natural for the perinium)...and definitely fewer complications post episiotomy...
CT, one must love their peritinium and tell it so every day by doing their exercises (keigels & others) and reinforcing their sphincter!
Scott, Big Grin
ps, when I emailed my step-D about her peritinium and physio(she gave birth 2months ago in a foreign land)I was told that her peritinium was not a subject for conversation Big Grin!!! I guess this forum kind of deforms our way of thinking compared to the rest of the general population!

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