I am confused. Dr. Remzi's nurse recently responded to some of my questions I had regarding pouch advancement surgery.
Just how does one tell if crohn's has developed since jpouch surgery? I have all the symptoms of peri-anal crohn's disease that antibiotics help, but am being told I do not have crohns. I know this is a common issue some others have dealt with after jpouch surgery.
I am concerned after reading the article Jan recently posted about chronic cuffitis caused by either crohn's or surgical issues at the anastomosis, I am just not sure where I fall here.
No one can tell me if my anal issues will be resolved after jpouch advancement surgery. The only answer I get from the nurse is it depends on whether crohn's or not (everything depends on that as far as the surgery goes). I have been through hell over the last two years and now another surgery that may salvage my pouch but not be successful in the long run due to crohn's? Why bother? Why not just yank the pouch and be done with all this madness?
I keep going back to 25 years with UC and NEVER having peri-anal issues like I am having since this surgery......never on antibiotics or rectal medications in 25 years with UC and I have been on them for over a year since surgery with no help. I am so frustrated and saddened by this whole nightmare.
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