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It's good to have this site to learn more as well as vent about your j-pouch. I had my first takedown in Dec 2011, then had emergency surgery in April 2012 and had a bag put back on. 2nd takedown in May. Somedays I think I am healing. Other days I think I was better off with the bag. I have just called off sick from work the past two days because I have been going to the bathroom about 15 times and each time feels like I am passing shards of glass. I feel as miserable now as I did before any surgery, with the exception that I am not bleeding as much. I'm tired all the time. I have no energy. I suffer from frequent I sweat yeast infections because sweat like crazy in my mid section yet my ankles are constantly cold to the touch. Cipro has helped at times but that is only a band-aid on a bigger problem. I crave salt constantly, always eating saltines. I can't seem to hold a job long enough to get any insurance and no employer is interested in keeping around when they see all the trips to the bathroom or the time off work due to BM's and exhaustion.

I had Botox injections done because there was so much pain with each BM that I felt like I was being cut open with a knife.

I'm at a breaking point with no insurance, no job and no joy in life other than a strong soul-mate. I have been told that I should go on disability (I'm in my mid-forties) but I feel that means giving up and this is the best I can expect from my j-pouch.

I'm lost, frustrated, confused and venting. thanks for letting me yell.
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It sounds like you have fissures or cuffitis and you need to get to your GI.

I held off filing for SSDI as I keep thinking I was getting better. File and then when you are able go back to work and cancel your SSDI benefits. I don't know how you and your sole-mates income is but you might be eligible for supplemental social security income. 2 years after being on SSDI you will be eligible for medicare, no matter how old you are.

I filed last April and was approved in August. I was paid a year in back benefits from April 2011 forward and I am eligible for medicare April 1st this year. Part A, hospitalization is automatically covered with no premium deducted. You've paid in social security insurance with every paycheck you ever earned and you should not feel ashamed or embarrassed about it. You don't have to tell anyone if you don't want to.

In the mean time hopefully you will get a diagnosis and will be able to go back to work. You can start the process of filing on-line, as it takes 6 months or more to get your approval or denial.

Take care
I think your problems can be solved. What have you done to slow down your frequency? Have you tried imodium, lomotil, or tincture of opium? The pain you describe is fissures, there are other treatments for them. Are you taking probiotics? I don't think antibiotics is what you need; but you definitely need to see a GI in order to get treated.

Sue Big Grin
Well, I am currently in the Hospital. ER said my hemoglobin was down to 7 (12 is the desired number) so that explains many problems (weakness, exhaustion, insomnia, confusion). CT scan shows all normal. A scope, most likely, will be done in the AM. We will find out if it is the fissure or a different problem.

A fellow IBD sufferer suggested having a test done my thyroid since it can cause autoimmune problems. I'll ask the doc to run some.

TE Marie, thank you for the insight on SSDI.
Everyone – thanks for being here. It a blessing and appreciated.
I'm glad you are there, something is very wrong with a 7 count. Please have them test your poo for a c-diff infection. I just read your post regarding cipro. I've had c-diff before and they immediately took me off of cipro. Also a yeast infection can be caused by antibiotics. They give the ladies a prescription for one pill for yeast infections so I bet that's all you'd need too.

I have no idea how you were even staying awake to go to the restroom with that count. I had to call 911 for my dad once and his count was 6.5. He couldn't even stand up and his BP was super low. You've really lost a lot of blood. I wonder if you are loosing it from anything else too.

Thyroid is a good test, it's a simple blood test. I have an under active thyroid. They should test for low vitamin D and B12 too.

I hope they find out all that's wrong and don't rush you through.

Please let us know how you are doing when you can.

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