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As anyone had success removing vegetables from daily diet? By success, I'm referring to decreased bowel movements and less bloating.

I recently had a discussion with my doctor regarding malabsorption. Whenenver I eat vegetables, I see the vegetable in whole form...when it's coming out. For the last two weeks, I've removed all vegetables from my diet. The number bowel movements has decreased and I sleep thru the night. I'm wandering if I should try juicing my veggies.
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Are we talking raw veggies or cooked? Do you chew your food well or is it two quick chews and a hungry gulp? You should chew 28 times before swallowing. We are humans, not horses.

That being said: some veggies are tough to digest and if you are eating spinach, corn, and mushrooms, I would try some that are easier to digest than those are.
I think most of us see our veggies and fruits looking the same going out as they did going in. People with colon's have this same problem but they don't see it because its' compacted in stool.
My diet is high in fresh fruits and vegetables, and I pay the price with higher frequency; it doesn't bother me. You can tailor your diet to fit your lifestyle, and do try juicing.

Sue Big Grin
I'm a vegetarian so I do veggies - both raw and cooked. And lots of them. There are really no no-no veggies in my diet.

What you're seeing is the insoluable fiber. The soluable fiber is being digested. If you're fine with not eating vegetables, then go for it. If you'd like to eat veggies then try to figure out which ones work best for you. Or just get 'behind' the fact that eating veggies might make for looser stools. You could also try eating something bulky with the veggies like bread, rice, or pasta.

You will also find that your pouch will continue to evolve and refine itself. So something that is problematic today might be just fine in the future.

kathy Big Grin
Hi Everyone,

Thx for your input, it's greatly appreciated. My issue is both cooked and raw green s veggies...lettue, kale...collards...broccoli. They seem to cause bloating, explosive bowel movements and increased frequency. Carrots, string beans and sugar snap peas seem to work well with my system. I'll continue to monitor.

I've had my pouch over 20 years and I can definitely say things have evolved over time. I can eat any vegetable and eat them regularly. Altough, if I eat excessive amounts in a day if can cause cramping. And I mean really excessive. Normal portion amounts are fine for me. Early on my system didn't tolerate it as well. Sometimes lettuce bits will come through, but it doesn't bother me.

As far as explosive and bloating.....That is the norm for me with any foods if I don't cut out all white carbs and miss taking my Gas X and Imodium. You might consider looking into these things, as well.

There is no science, unfortunately. As you read other posts, you will see what works for some is problematic for others. It's a lot of experimentation.

Good luck!
I'm wandering if I should try juicing my veggies.

Another suggestion would be pureed vegetable soups. They seem to be popular in South America. A few weeks ago I was in New York City, and met a friend for dinner at an Argentinian restaurant in the Chelsea neighborhood of Manhattan. I ordered the soup of the day which was a pureed spinach and cauliflower soup. It was very good. They put just a hint of cream or milk in it so it really wasn't a creamy soup but it had a very nice smooth texture. If you use a juicer or blender you can simply make soup out of the juiced vegetables. Perhaps you can use a crockpot and let the pureed mixture and other ingredients simmer while you are at work.

You can also make a pureed gazpacho, served cold.

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