I have never used Pepto Bismal, however I have read people here who have. I can't give much input on that. I did use Lomotil and can honestly say it helped early on, but that taking imodium worked just as well and is a lot cheaper, at least here in the States. I get mine at Sam's Club in a bottle of 350. I will be 3 years post surgery in Feb. and I still take 2 imodium before each meal or x3 each day. I've even taken a couple in between making it x4 a day, like when I'm going to ski,or any activity where I might not be able to make it to a restroom quickly. Timing of meals is tricky for me still. It's ski season and no way do I eat a meal then put on all of that gear! I eat breakfast, give my system some time, then go ski a few hours. If I want to stay longer I eat a light lunch, soup, crackers and a drink, or something else hearty, but not heavy or too rich. I usually can hang around for a restroom trip, then go back skiing for awhile. So far this is working. Yes, I do take imodium before lunch. I have found, for me anyway, it's better to drink plenty of water instead of cutting back. Odd I know, but just my guess, I think if I deprive myself of enough liquid my gut makes up for it somehow and instead of having to go less I seem to have to go more and it's watery. Gross, I know, but we're all used to this stuff.
Even at this time in my recovery I might try the Pepto to see if that is better for long term. I would rather not take it too often, because of the ingredients in Pepto, but like anything, occasionally, if it works would be great! I am forever open to any suggestions that have worked for others.
A little bit of encouraging, happy information is that I seem to now be able to eat a reasonable amount of popcorn and salad with all of the fresh veggies in it that I love. I wouldn't chow down on a huge salad, but I'm very thrilled to be able to have a nice side salad now without it tearing me up.

I'm so happy to read you are doing well. I know 8 months seems like a long time, but even at 3 yrs I still make from 4 to sometimes 8 bathroom trips a day. I have yet to figure out what sometimes triggers the 8 trip day, discomfort and burning that occurs from time to time,because it sometimes hits no matter what I have eaten. I do know if I'm anxious about something it can cause this sometimes. I may have pretty normal days, then Bam! it is like someone flips a switch and my gut is not happy. I can live with it, because it's not too often.
Keep you head up and look at each day as progress. I am very thankful this surgery exists and has saved not only me, but my sister and mother.