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I'm nearly 8 months post surgery - subtotal colectomy with ileorectal anastomosis. I'm doing fairly well, and still finding my way through this. On this forum, I'd seen something about taking Pepto-Bismol to slow things down. I've experimented with this, and find that even one pill (half the adult dose) seems to really help me. I only weight about 100, so this may be why I find just half a dose helpful. Two pills and I'm find for a big day or night out! My surgeon gave me a scrip for Lomotil which I had filled, but haven't tried. The pharmacist said that Lomotil is really "the big guns" and should just be used when totally necessary. Here in Canada, I can get Immodium without a scrip, and know that many people use it but I've never tried it. When I'm staying at home, I try not to use Pepto-Bismol although this can result in many trips to the bathroom. I know that most folks here have a J-Pouch, and my case is a little different. But I'm really wondering if most people take something on a daily basis, and if so, what? Or do you take something as required, or how does it work for you? Thanks so much for any help you can give.
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I have never used Pepto Bismal, however I have read people here who have. I can't give much input on that. I did use Lomotil and can honestly say it helped early on, but that taking imodium worked just as well and is a lot cheaper, at least here in the States. I get mine at Sam's Club in a bottle of 350. I will be 3 years post surgery in Feb. and I still take 2 imodium before each meal or x3 each day. I've even taken a couple in between making it x4 a day, like when I'm going to ski,or any activity where I might not be able to make it to a restroom quickly. Timing of meals is tricky for me still. It's ski season and no way do I eat a meal then put on all of that gear! I eat breakfast, give my system some time, then go ski a few hours. If I want to stay longer I eat a light lunch, soup, crackers and a drink, or something else hearty, but not heavy or too rich. I usually can hang around for a restroom trip, then go back skiing for awhile. So far this is working. Yes, I do take imodium before lunch. I have found, for me anyway, it's better to drink plenty of water instead of cutting back. Odd I know, but just my guess, I think if I deprive myself of enough liquid my gut makes up for it somehow and instead of having to go less I seem to have to go more and it's watery. Gross, I know, but we're all used to this stuff.
Even at this time in my recovery I might try the Pepto to see if that is better for long term. I would rather not take it too often, because of the ingredients in Pepto, but like anything, occasionally, if it works would be great! I am forever open to any suggestions that have worked for others.
A little bit of encouraging, happy information is that I seem to now be able to eat a reasonable amount of popcorn and salad with all of the fresh veggies in it that I love. I wouldn't chow down on a huge salad, but I'm very thrilled to be able to have a nice side salad now without it tearing me up. Smiler I'm so happy to read you are doing well. I know 8 months seems like a long time, but even at 3 yrs I still make from 4 to sometimes 8 bathroom trips a day. I have yet to figure out what sometimes triggers the 8 trip day, discomfort and burning that occurs from time to time,because it sometimes hits no matter what I have eaten. I do know if I'm anxious about something it can cause this sometimes. I may have pretty normal days, then Bam! it is like someone flips a switch and my gut is not happy. I can live with it, because it's not too often.
Keep you head up and look at each day as progress. I am very thankful this surgery exists and has saved not only me, but my sister and mother.
Thanks for this, Black Diamond. Somehow, I have it in my head that Pepto Bismol is "lesser" than Imodium, but it may be my imagination. I'm not sure about the ingredients in Pepto Bismol - is there something in it that's dangerous? The fact that there's so much advertising for it, makes me think it's sort of a safe, commonplace type of medication. I can certainly try Imodium. The fact that Lomotil needs a prescription and is a sort of narcotic, makes me think I'd only try it if it was absolutely necessary. You take Imodium before all meals - it sounds like I'd do better if I tried this also.

I also try to drink a lot of water. With so many bathroom trips, I know that it's necessary for one's system not to get dehydrated.

You mention anxiety and this has occurred to me also. Sometimes, if I wake in the middle of the night and can't sleep for some reason, I eventually end up in the bathroom, although I think it's the anxiety that has woken me up rather than a need for the bathroom. All in all, I'm not doing badly, although I often feel like I'm stumbling through this whole thing. Getting feedback and advice from you and others here, certainly helps! Many thanks again.
Megan, thanks for this. Actually, I found out about taking Pepto Bismol on this forum. My surgeon said she'd never heard of doing this, but seemed fine with it. She gave me a scrip for Lomotil, but I haven't tried it yet. I probably will take Imodium first - guess it is different for everyone, and I'll have to experiment. Thanks for your help.
I take 1 loperamide in the morning and one at night. I stopped pepto as I don't like the black stools and it seems to bung me up- not good when you have a stricture!

Codeine phosphate seems to do nothing for me at all.

Lomotil works great for me when I really need to avoid going to the bathroom ie for an exam or job interview etc but I have always kept it for either when other things have failed or special purposes .

I was told today that Lomotil is going to be difficult to get here in the UK as it is no longer in production. I am not too concerned right now as I have a little stash, but will be really cheesed off if it really does disappear from our choice here.
Thanks for this, Sue. I don't take much Pepto Bismol, but yes, it can change stools to black, and apparently, can change one's tongue to black too! I'm definitely going to try Imodium, and likely keep Lomotil for the "big guns" like travel. One other thing - do you like the store brand of Imodium or must it be the real thing? I wonder how others feel about this?
Yes, lomotil is a narcotic. I think one's first choice is dependent on what works for them. Imodium never worked for me, so when I need to take something, which is rarely, I take lomotil. Not everyone has the same reaction to either of these medications, so again, whatever you find that works for you, keep using it.

Sue Big Grin
Neither lomotil or imodium cause any problems for me. I think that the 'narcotic' aspect of lomotil is pretty much nil. I don't recall that I ever had any problems stopping lomotil cold. IMHO, I'll bet that some day lomotil goes the way of imodium and becomes OTC. Imodium used to be prescription only too.

I've also heard that lomotil is the big guns but I found that it worked the same as imodium for me. So you might want to try it to see how it works for you.

I don't take pepto bismal daily but if we're traveling somewhere where I might be ingesting new bacteria I start popping it about a week before and continue taking it while on our trip. I think I overindulge because I always end up with that black tongue.

kathy Big Grin
Thanks Kathy. Good to know that Lomotil doesn't seem to have a real narcotic effect. Interesting what happens with prescriptions and those that don't need a prescription. Think I remember needing a prescription for Imodium when travelling to Mexico many many years ago. I'll try not to get a black tongue from the Pepto Bismol!

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