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So, around late 1999, started showing symptoms...or "noticable symptoms" of UC. Fast forward-->2002 got my J pouch. Only went to appointments/follow-ups for a cpl years, and then being the smart fella that I am, NOT, stop going to my follow ups cause I thought I could handle anything my body threw at me after that. And for the most part I did, no major problems, dealt with diarrhea and whatever and adjusted my diet and so forth. Had my bouts with butt burn and burning with wiping but was always able to plug along, WITHOUT a follow up to my doc. And I got through all that without any major concerns on my part. Of course I developed the body aches and pains that so many of you talk about, but I always assumed it was just me GETTING OLDER until I discovered this site. Don't think I've had pouchitis or cuffitis or what have you since based on all of the symptoms of those, I would have noticed, I think Smiler I've had two ACL reconstructions, although those may have been fluke sport injuries, but I have always had intermittent joint aches and pains.
So fast forward again, late 2012 started taking metamucil once a day in the morn. Thickened things up, went bathroom less, although wasn't doing too bad as it was before metamucil. Just a cpl weeks ago, I had a bout of tummy cramps for 3-4 days, which may have just been a bug passing through in good 'ol Vermont. No cramps now. But about a week ago, maybe less, have had this feeling of something just before the EXIT of my rectum, perhaps like a cut or wound or pain or something of that sort, but up just inside my rectum. I feel the discomfort only when it feels like there is something to be discharged like it's pushing against the wall of my rectum. Only problem is, it's any amount. I'll go the the bathroom feeling like there is more to come out and not much comes out. I'll get off the toilet, go to the livingroom, sit down, and within a minute, I'll feel this pressure and discomfort(not horrendous pain but enough to make you want to go to the bathroom to discharge it) and have to go to the bathroom again. A little or a lot more might come out depending on how much I've eaten. Bottom line, I have this discomfort, it's new to me. Sometimes I'll have to go to the bathroom 4-5 times in half an hour even though I could hold it longer although the discomfort makes me want to relieve it. I notice my bowel movements, not nearly as much come out(in the last week or so), as the previous 11 years of j pouching. There's no blood, there's no fever..nothing at all other than this discomfort/pain JUST INSIDE my butt. And if I'm facing forward, the discomfort is on my right side of my rectum and runs up by buttocks a few inches and down my right leg just a few inches. It's like the "poop" is pushing up against the wall right inside my rectum and creates this feeling and the pain runs up/down a few inches from this spot. I go less with each bowel movement than I have in previous 11 years. No blood, no mucus that I notice. Coloring is more greenish yellow/brown which is a slight change but I've changed my diet a little to avoid this NEW pain so that might be it.

I know this is long and drawn out and I apologize. I will FINALLY be making an appt in the next week or so but I wasnt sure if anyone has any ideas as what this could be? I'm not having all sorts of other body symptoms...sooo....??? If I've left anything out, I can answer them. I know this may not be the proper avenue for helping me find out what could be the problem, but I was hoping for some help. I've been pouching for a while compared to others who know more but somehow I feel less knowledgeable due to the fact that I haven't had many problems with my pouch. ANY HELP WOULD BE GREATLY APPRECIATED!(or at least ideas and insight) THANK YOU!!!

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From what you describe, this sounds more like an anorectal problem, and less likely pouchitis. But, it could be a mild case of either or both.

If it is anorectal, I'd be suspecting cuffitis (pretty mild, since there is no bleeding), stricture, or mild fissure. Hydrocortisone or Canasa suppositories could be prescribed. Dilation, if there is a stricture. And yes, symptoms of stricture can come on rapidly, even though it forms gradually, because once you reach a certain "tipping point" of restriction, the symptoms start.

You could also have a mild pouchitis or bacterial overgrowth, maybe even set off by a bug you got (folks with IBD can tend to get secondary chronic inflammation from a minor gut infection that others get over quickly). A course of antibiotics should set that right.

You're doing the right thing and your doc should be able to sort this out.

Jan Smiler
Jan Dollar
Thank you so much. I'll do a little more research and see what I find. Definitely will be checking in with doctor. Thanks for responding so quickly. I'm glad I stumbled upon this site with my searches and I plan on visiting with regularity now. Hope to get to know all of you a little better and also learn more about myself and the misfortunes that all of us have been dealt. Thanks again.

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