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This is not new. It is budesonide, same as Entocort, which has been used for Crohn's for a very long time. Unfortunately, it still has some concerns for long term steroid use, so probably not a final solution. It is not for long term use, just induction of remission (up to 8 weeks), same as prednisone. It is mostly topical, so less likely to cause side effects. It is unique in that it is delayed release for the colon, unlike Entocort, which releases throughout the ileum and colon.

Jan Smiler
doesn't look like a cure to me. just another pill that temporarily diminshes symptoms. Also it is given in 8 week courses with expectation that you will be able to come off of the drug. Most people that had surgery were not able to succesfully taper off of steroids to begin with so I would say it is unlikely this will be much different than prednisone except it may have fewer side effects. still its a drug u are putting in your body every day. personally, i am glad to be drug free!
Yeah, I "love" it when they say it is a new drug, when it really is the same ole thing with a fancy name, and price tag! There's no money in selling prednisone, so they have to come up with new ways to make a profit. Of course, they are actually trying to find cures. They simply are elusive. So far, nothing beats steroids for inducing a remission, which is fine, but not a cure or even a maintenance drug. But, there are doctors out there who will prescribe it that way (shame on them...).

As for me, I have no illusions about being drug free, and frankly, I got over that decades ago. I am happy to live in a time where there are medical treatments for my problems. I don't plan on living forever, but I want to live well while I am here! Of course, if I didn't need drugs, that would be great. Life would be much simpler.

Jan Smiler

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