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It has come to my attention that there have been some offensive private messages (PMs) sent to some members. This is not tolerated here. If anyone receives an offensive private message, please report it using the "report post" feature by clicking on the icon in the lower right corner. This will allow the moderators to view the message and take action. Do not engage in further conversation with the person.

We may not be able to take action immediately, so it is important to do this next step. Click on the offending person's screen name and choose "add ______ to ignore list." That will prevent further PMs from this person.

Thanks for your cooperation and help in keeping this site safe and friendly.

Jan Smiler
Original Post

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I understand the concern, FRH, which is why I follow a strict rule of not providing personal or identifying information. That way, if someone wants to read about my poop issues, I am stealthy!

Truthfully, I only found this group based on a google search for j pouch incontinence. It has been a life saver and I am grateful I was able to view the posts.
Sure, I can delete all your posts, but I think it would be better if you did your own editing. You can edit or delete your own posts so that only content you wish to be "out there" is included. The whole point in registering is to be able to post and contribute to the group. You do not need to register to read or "lurk."

Let me know what you want to do. Once I delete them, there is no putting them back. Also, if your post is a topic starter, if I delete it, the entire thread will be lost.

Private messages are indeed private, so only those who are invited to the discussion thread can see them. Even the moderators cannot see them without an invite or a report.

Jan Smiler
Is the message from a guy who's name starts with K? If so, I can provide you with some details as he's moved from ostomy board to ostomy board (incl mine) and done the same thing, been warned on some and banned from others. He's been pming people and giving them his phone number asking them to contact him and telling female ostomates he finds them sexy. There's only one board I've found so far where he's welcomed and that's one where you have to pay to post.

Take care.

No, Shaz, haven't seen that guy, although I don't know all the members. Our frequent offender has a j-pouch (20+ years), but is very anti-pouch and even more anti-ostomy (considers them freakish). Basically, just an unhappy person that wants to drag everyone down with him. So, not the same guy. But, thanks for the head's up!

Jan Smiler

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