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I am flying for the first time this week since having my ileostomy. While I'm not really worried about the flight itself, I am a little nervous because one of the airports that I will be flying out of has xray scanners.

Have any of you had to get scanned this way and if so, do you have any helpful advice on how to deal with it? My instinct is if it comes up, I should say something beforehand, but I want to try and make as little of a scene as possible.
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Just read that TSA is junking the naked scanners:

Apart from that, unless you have a bag of cocaine stuffed up your rectum that you are trying to smuggle from KC to parts unknown, any findings on your physiology would be irrelevant.

I actually flew into the Kansas City airport a few years ago and it is a fairly primitive airport from what I can recall of it, as far as USA airports go.
TSA is junking the x-ray backscatter scanners. The more common millimeter wave scanners are being expanded. These are also naked scanners, but the software has been modified to present more polite images.

I've never had an external bag, but if I were selected for a pat-down I'd let the agent know what I was "carrying" under my clothes.
Thank you all for your input, it makes me feel better. I did notice that they were doing away with the scanners, only wish it would happen in time for my trip this week! I guess I'm a little oversensitive because once (pre-ostomy) I was pretty roughly patted down just because I had forgotten that I left my ID in my back pocket. I would hope that training would include a discussion of medical devices that people may have.

CTBarrister, your comment cracked me up! I grew up in KC and I agree, it is definitely not a high tech airport. Traveling through here is always a relief because it's so much easier than most other airports. I'm flying into DC though and having just moved from there, I know that the airport that I'm going into has the scanners.
It all depends on the airport. The new scanners will pick up your external appliance, the old type did not seem to. I don't think the change in scanners will make a difference as to ileostomy appliances being picked up. If you read carefully it seems this is a soft ware change where by the image of the body is different, I suspect it will still pick up the bag. Honestly, it should as it would seem a very good way to bring bad stuff on to a plane.

IMO There is no reason to tell anybody about the ostomy before being scanned. Only if they see it and they want further tests should you tell them. At the airport I typically fly out of, SFO the scanner will pick it up and they have me touch the bag on the outside of my clothing. They wipe down my fingers and run the swab through a machine. Takes a couple of minutes. I am flying on Thursday so fully expect to go through this process. Coming back the airport didnt have the new scanners last time and I slid right through. Not sure that is a good thing
I have an illeo and I have found the best way to get through security without "special treatment" is to be sure to empty your bag as close to going through the scanners. Even then a lot of times they will ask me if I have something in my pocket. When I tell them I have an ostomy they have always known what I meant. Most of the time they have me touch the outside of my clothing where my bag is and then swab my hands. I have only had to step into a private room (aka broom closet) once and it was at LAX. The two women were very professional about it and I actually left a compliment with their manager. I had to unbutton my jeans and show my bag and I got a full pat down. It wasn't scary or anything. They were just doing their job.
I think it depends on the airport, so check the airport website regarding security guidelines. My local airport says to tell security before entering the scanner. The point being that they are all aware of ostomies, but each airport may handle it differently unfortunately, crackpots could potentially use a fake ostomy bag, or even real, to smuggle explosive stuff on board. Remeber the dufus who had it in his underwear? What a world!.....

When I go through a scanner, I can't even have a receipt in my pocket, and that was as recent as a week ago.

Jan Smiler
I've been through all sorts of scanners the past several years with ostomies and never until recently ever told anyone or had a patdown because of one. I always just empty the bag right before going through security.

During the holidays recently I went through xray full body scans at two different US airports. Each time, I got pulled aside and pat down by a female TSA agent. The first one talked through the pat down, starting at my head, shoulders, etc.. Then when she was nearing the ileostomy I told her I had an ostomy. She said "I know". And she didn't touch it, stating she wasn't going to touch my "sensitive area". She then swabbed my hands for explosives.

The second one... asked me if I wanted a private room for a pat down. I declined. I told her I had an ostomy. She said I know. She proceeded with the pat down, avoiding my ostomy. Then she asked me to touch my "sensitive area" completely on top of my clothing. She swabbed my hands for explosives.

Both TSA agents were very respectful of my privacy and my medical situation. All in all, the pat down took no longer than anyone getting pulled aside for a patdown, about 2 extra minutes. So no worries. The TSA agents have obviously been educated and handle things quite respectfully per policy.

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