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I've had a stoma (ileo end) since November 2010 and up until yesterday everything has been fine. However,
I had a really painful cramping during the early hours of Wednesday and sure enough no output. I was sick once early
yesterday after drinking water and I had to eat a few tinned prunes and their juice (which usually passes through me rapidlySmiler )

Anyway I stayed off food & fluids until this morning and am pleased to say I'm back to normal with, at initially plenty of liquid output
and now more normal output.

I'm racking my brains trying to work what may have been the issue, food wise. I did eat a large apple and have been having brown bread,
rather than white. Could either of these cause a blockage?. For now, I'm going to stay off the apples!

I'd be grateful for any comments. Thanks.
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it is not just what you eat but what you eat it with and when...If I eat an apple all by itself (peeled and cut up first) I am fine...If I eat it after a sandwich then it is no holds bared...I am blocked for 18hrs or more...fruits alone are fine but mixed with other food groups can cause unmentionable pain.
And yes...chew, chew, chew
I have blockages after tough corn on the cob, then not enough water with it. Ended up in the hospital with that one and ng tube for four days. I also had problems with a dry pork chop. I massaged the spot since I know where it is now, narrowing due to scar tissue. I just make sure I chew really well and drink water with anything that is dry including sandwiches.

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