I finally got in to see the magnificent Dr. Shen at Cleveland Clinic. My biopsy came back and I have chronic active enteritis with pyloric gland metaplasia. So he put me on Entocort for 30 days taking 1 pill/3x a day. Then if this works, he would like to do maintenance therapy of 1 pill/1x a day. I do feel a little better, but I refuse to be on a steroid for a long period of time. I was on prednisone for almost a year and it was horrible and the side effects are huge. They cause problems later in life especially if you've been on high doses for long periods of time. Does anyone know if there is alternative meds? Can I change my diet? I would like to take the steroid to get everything in the gut calmed down but after that I would like a more natural method to keep things under control. Also, I was never told this by any doctor but told by friends and reading about it more and more -- am I allowed to take ibuprofin or NSAID's? Thanks for all of your input!!!