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I haven't been here in quite awhile because I am out and enjoying life and SUPER healthy. I wanted to make it a point to post today though because three years ago today I had my Step One surgery and began my recovery.

I put off having the surgery for quite some time because I kept seeing so much about complications and bad results -- then it finally dawned on me, the success stories are not here posting. So I here I am.

No, my bathroom habits are not "normal" pre-UC, pre-surgery, but they are my normal. I have some formed stools, mostly soft ones and not infrequently I am pretty liquid. But I can HOLD it as long as necessary and I feel fine. It never interferes with my life. I do have the occasional butt-burn, but not very often and easily fixed with any ointment, including Calmoseptine or any diaper-rash type cream.

Last time I was here there seemed to be a lot of "bathroom trip" counting in the post-surgical crowd. I don't keep track. It is what it is, but I sleep through the night and I get through my normal days without always needing to know where a bathroom is.

My main complaint is noisy stools and I make a mess of toilets. Definitely something I can live with.

I have become an avid standup paddleboarder (SUP). I am hours and hours on the water with no bathroom access. I NEVER would have been able to do this without having had the surgery. SUP is a great workout for your core muscles and it has done wonders for my post-surgical abdominal "poochiness."

I had two step surgery. The surgery and the recovery were both grueling and that was without complications, but I healed well and have never looked back. If you do this prepare to spend at least two months recovering from the first and then a shorter time recovering from the take down. I found the temporary ileostomy very difficult to deal with but I got through the three months with a lot of help from my VERY understanding husband.

If anyone reading this is contemplating surgery I recommend seeking a surgeon with A LOT of these procedures under his or her belt. This is one where skill and experience are very important.

I had been on Remicade for a couple of years and it had been getting less effective. I was very wary of being on such powerful medications for possibly the rest of my life. Since my surgery I am medication free.

I wish you all success on your journeys and hope for great outcomes. There IS a life after Ulcerative Colitis. I am CURED. J-pouch surgery is a positive miracle.

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Meesh, I joined "the boards" when my daughter was diagnosed 3.5 years ago and I remember when you still had UC and were preparing for your surgery (on HW). I'm so happy that it's gone so smoothly for you. I know this is a support board and those on it are usually the ones struggling at any given moment but it is frightening to read at times (though helpful/informative as well of course). It's just nice to read a straight up "success story". Thanks for coming back and long may it continue for you.
Hi! My outcome to this surgery is just like yours right down to the messy toilet that I can certainly deal with as a trade off! I'm grateful everyday for this procedure and while its not perfect, I will take it anyday over living with UC. Thanks for's important newcomers to the surgery read about the light on the other side if the tunnel. Smiler
Thanks for posting! Your story brings important balance to the forum.

The messy toilet observation made me think about how difficult it is to get good information about the toilet property called "bowl cleaning." This is tricky with modern toilets that use so little water. At one point I was shopping for a new toilet, and it was really the only attribute I cared about...but no one had any information. So: any ideas out there? Can we identify the toilets that seem to clean up everything after an "explosion?" The toilets we shouldn't touch with a 10 foot colonoscope? I hope to never again have to decide between leaving a mess or sticking my hand down there.
Congrats Meesh, I too am just over three years since 2-step and don't visit as often as I should. I was miserable and found this site to be such a wonderful reassurance that my decision would be a good one. And, I don't regret it one bit! For those that are suffering and considering surgery, do it! It was the best decision for me and such a blessing to get my life back and enjoy travel and seeing kids and grandkids. Prayers going up right now for those of you still suffering from is a nasty disease.
Glad people are finding my post helpful. As far as toilet cleaning, at home I keep some Clorox Wipes in each bathroom and just give it a quick clean when I am done. For anything that stays in the bowl I also have Dow flushable Fresh Brush toilet cleaners. Public bathrooms -- meh, I don't worry about them. When visiting friend's homes I do give a quick wipe around with toilet paper if I've left a mess.

The noise can sometimes be an embarrassing issue in public. I try to keep things in perspective. At least I am able to be out and about. My friends all understand and politely ignore things. Strangers who find me amusing, well, they don't know me and I don't know them, so eff 'em.

My surgeon had told me I'd never be able "trust a fart" but happily, I can!! I also consider that a success.

I forgot how on these pages there really is no such thing as TMI!!

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