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Hi Guys,
While away over New Years we went to dinner at a fancy French restaurant whose chef has a couple of stars and a famous cook book...While speaking with him (he regularly visits his customers' tables and knows our friends very well) I asked him if he would be interested in colaborating on a cookbook with me for special dietary needs.
He agreed.
So here is the question...What would you like to see in a cookbook? What kind of recipeis interest you? What types of foods would you like to see included in or out of the book?
Are there foods that you are obliged to eat that you don't know how to prepare that you would like to learn how to cook?
What types of deserts would interest you?
Any ideas would help me a lot...if this porject works out then it will be dedicated to all of you and the group...
Thanks in advance for your input.
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That sounds wonderful Sharon. It would be nice if there was a smattering of vegetarian dishes.

At a rarities dinner several years ago, one of the chefs was a Michelin rated French man. He prepared all of my vegetarian courses (I was the only vegetarian). He does a lot of veggie dishes at his restaurant in France. I just can't remember his name. But it was très, très merveilleux!

kathy Big Grin
There's a chrons/colitis cookbook out there that has recipes tailored to how you're feeling (in the middle of a flare (less spice), need low-residue, need high calories, need high/low sodium) with tips for each recipe to adjust (don't use the mushrooms if you're prone to SBO, substitue this for that if you need low residue). I haven't tried many of the recipes, but the thought that does into each one as far as addressing the many dietary needs of chrons/colitis/pouchers is amazing. Something like that would be super in a cookbook.
It's a great idea but is this going to be a cook book for K pouchers, J pouchers, or more generally for anyone who has been de-coloned? I think you need to establish the target audience and then think about how to organize the book. As you have indicated in your posts K Pouchers and J pouchers seem to have different dietary tolerances.

You may also want to consider organizing the book by categories of recipes, like low residue recipes, low sodium, high sodium, low carb/high protein etc.

Good luck with it.
I think that low or high sodium are not priorities in this sort of book...nothing to do with IBD or pouchers...there are enough cookbooks out there for diabetic or hypertensives etc...this is purely IBD and/or pouch (no, I can not do pure K pouch because there are just not enough of us)...but IBD/pouch there are certainly enough...will work on the chapters first but I have a good idea of what might work but would love your input...
I think this cookbook is a great idea. I bought several cookbooks as I tried the SCD diet and different variations of it and I found that the ones I liked the best had recipes with simple ingredients and not too complicated recipes.

It will be great if your cookbook could have suggestions for what foods to eat when flaring or trying to reduce the number of trips to the bathroom, etc.

Either way, I think this is a great idea. Good luck!!

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