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3 months out and ive been scoped and am being treated for pouchitis and cuffitis with no other issues. since starting cipro i became very constipated so i started to drink watered down ensure to keep things liquid and it has been great. the last 2 days i tried adding some solid foods and things thickened a bit again, not constipated but thicker than liquid and im back to straining little bits at a time with some blood from pushing. first any thoughts as to why only liquid passes easily and second how do i keep things liquid while eating solid foods?
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I don't know.

And I think I recommended you try tracking down chasingtime. His symptoms are eerily similar to yours, you could be twins! I think the two of you could support each other while trying to navigate your identical recoveries. You both had surgery within days of each other, and have identical problems. It's always nice to have a friend in recovery.

Sue Big Grin
That's very odd wiggles because the last time you mentioned that you couldn't contact chasingtime I checked his profile and clicked on "send private message to..." and it worked. But now he has that feature blocked. I wonder why?

Since he hasn't been on the site lately, maybe he's found some sort of resolution to his problems. Instead of PM'ing him, maybe you could directly post a message to him in the General Discussion forum and maybe he'll see it. I would think that he would be able to give you lots of valuable information especially if he's resolved his bumps in the road.

kathy Big Grin
kathy, i think you are mistaken. it doesnt appear he blocked anything. this is the responds ive gotten all along.

"chasingtime does not have the rights to view private messages."

what is this obsession with this guy anyways? im seriously looking for support from you guys and it keeps going back to some other poster. please help if you can.
It's not an obsession. Chasingtime seems to be having many of the exact same things going on as you do. Most of us have not experienced what you and Chasingtime/Tom are experiencing. You'll see that I often refer posters to others who have more knowledge than I do. Regarding ileostomies after failed j-pouches I have recommended JillM and Cataja. For k-pouches I recommend Sharon and Jasmine. For fistulas I recommend Cate. For FAP I recommend Chuckus. I have never had to deal with any of the above so that is why I recommend others. Many people cannot give you answers because they have not experienced what you are experiencing. Since you have fairly unusual problems it's probably best to run this and other questions past your doctor.

kathy Big Grin

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